Economic Harm

  • My Comment on the Franchise Rule

    Thumbnail for the post titled: My Comment on the Franchise Rule

    On January 23rd, 2020, I discovered that my comment on the FTC’s Franchise Rule had finally been published. As of January 15th, before the change from the Trump administration to…

  • Is Franchising White Collar Racketeering?

    White Collar Racketeering

    As some of you know, I am making an argument that some franchisors, if not a very high percentage of them, are guilty of white collar racketeering. I believe that…

  • SBA Now Faults Lenders and May Not Pay Franchise Loan Guarantees in the Future

    Thumbnail for the post titled: SBA Now Faults Lenders and May Not Pay Franchise Loan Guarantees in the Future

    On August 15, 2018, the SBA Office of the Inspector General drew a conclusion that could damn the franchise industry. That conclusion reads: The conclusion comes at the end of…

  • Franchise Fraud Harms the Economy

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Franchise Fraud Harms the Economy

    Look. I’m not an economist. I have a master’s, but I’ve never took a class in economics. I’ve never even taken a business class. I don’t claim any economic expertise…

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