Economic Harm
My Comment on the Franchise Rule
On January 23rd, 2020, I discovered that my comment on the FTC’s Franchise Rule had finally been published. As of January 15th, before the change from the Trump administration to…
Is Franchising White Collar Racketeering?
As some of you know, I am making an argument that some franchisors, if not a very high percentage of them, are guilty of white collar racketeering. I believe that…
SBA Now Faults Lenders and May Not Pay Franchise Loan Guarantees in the Future
On August 15, 2018, the SBA Office of the Inspector General drew a conclusion that could damn the franchise industry. That conclusion reads: The conclusion comes at the end of…
Franchise Fraud Harms the Economy
Look. I’m not an economist. I have a master’s, but I’ve never took a class in economics. I’ve never even taken a business class. I don’t claim any economic expertise…
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