My Comment on the Franchise Rule
On January 23rd, 2020, I discovered that my comment on the FTC’s Franchise Rule had finally been published. As of January 15th, before the change from the Trump administration to…
Court Records and Franchise Fraud Evidence
Evidence of franchise fraud can be found in court records. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of public court records document the issues I am discussing on this blog. Court records…
AAFD Names Keith Miller as New Director of Public Affairs and Engagement
On October 3rd, the American Association of Franchisees and Dealers (AAFD) engaged Keith Miller of Franchisee Advocacy Consulting as their Director of Public Affairs and Engagement. In their online announcement,…
7-11 Franchisees Take the Publicity Lead
On September 27th, Franchise Times published an article entitled, “7-11 Owners Air Cold, Hard Facts Against Corporate.” The decision to air grievances publicly is a rare one in the franchising…
How to Safely Leak Franchise Fraud Evidence
In order to combat franchise fraud, franchiSEES must have a safe way to leak their evidence. They must have a way to share documents that can’t be subpoenaed. In this…
Franchise Fraud in the News
Why don’t we hear about franchise fraud in the news? In 2017, when I first began interacting with leaders in the franchise-fraud resistance movement (that’s my name for it), someone…
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